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Keeping your SØMLØS lawnmower good as new

For your robotic lawnmower to work to its optimum performance, you have to maintain the very simple task of cleaning it. No need for expensive cleaning services or specialized tools. Using a coarse bristled handheld brush and a damp cloth and you’re all set. We highly recommend that you use protective gloves, particularly when removing the blades of the robot lawnmower before cleaning it.

Steps to clean your robotic lawnmower:
1) Turn off your robotic lawnmower.

2) Wear your protective gloves

3) Turn your robotic lawnmower upside down.

4) Remove the grass clippings, chunks of soil (if any), pine cones, stones, roots, twigs that may be stuck on there. Brush the undersides using a coarse bristled brush. DO NOT use a high-pressure washer to clean your robotic mower.

5) Unscrew the blades. Wipe the bottom with a damp cloth.

6) Replace the blades that are worn or broken. You can replace the three blades in less than ten minutes using a regular screwdriver – wear suitable gloves or any hand protection. Changing the blades is vital to maintain it’s excellent cutting result. Contact SØMLØS support or order a new one online.